西方医学史——医学英语学习辅助教材 / 21世纪高等院校创新规划教材
作者: 孙静洋
- 浙江大学出版社
- 9787308106092
- 22599
- 2012年9月
- 未分类
- 未分类
- H319.4:R
孙静洋主编的这本《西方医学史--医学英语学习辅助教材》以概括性的叙述框架,按照时间次序,把一千多年的医学史浓缩成三个主要的部分:Ancient Medicine(Prehistoric,Egyptian,Greek,Roman);Medieval and Renaissance Medicine(Medieval,Renaissance);Modem Medicine(19th-century,20th-century)。旨在让学生了解人类到底已经取得了什么样的医学成就以及这些成就是如何取得的,增加学生相关的信息量和词汇量,提高英语水平,同时激发他们学习医学史的热情。对医学史深入了解有助于培养学生自身的修养和职业道德,以诚挚、善良的心关爱病人的身心健康,肩负起自己的社会责任。
Chapter One Prehistoric Medicine
I. Prehistoric civilisation
II. Prehistoric knowledge about the body and disease
III. Prehistoric surgery
IV. Prehistoric methods of diagnosis and treatment
V. Prehistoric public health
VI. Prehistoric doctors
Chapter Two Egyptian Medicine
I. Egyptian civilization
II. Egyptian knowledge about the body and disease
III. Egyptian surgery
IV. Egyptian methods of diagnosis and treatment
V. Egyptian public health
VI. Egyptian doctors
Chapter Three Greek Medicine
I. Greek civilization
II. Greek knowledge about the body and disease
III. Greek surgery
IV. Greek methods of diagnosis and treatment
V. Greek public health
VI. Greek doctors
Chapter Four Roman Medicine
I. Roman civilization
II. Roman knowledge about the body and disease
III. Roman surgery
IV. Roman methods of diagnosis and treatment
V. Roman public health
VI. Roman doctors
Chapter Five Medieval Medicine
I. Medieval civilization
II. Medieval medical knowledge
III. Medieval surgery
IV. Medieval public health
Chapter Six Renaissance Medicine
I. Renaissance civilisation
II. Renaissance medical knowledge
III. Renaissance surgery
IV. Renaissance public health
V. Renaissance doctors
Chapter Seven 19th-century Medicine
I. 19th-century civilization
II. 19th-century knowledge about the body and disease
III. 19th-century surgery
IV. 19th-century methods of diagnosis and treatment
V. 19th-century public health
VI. 19th-century doctors
Chapter Eight 20th-Century Medicine
I. 20th-century civilization
II. 20th-century knowledge about the body and disease
III. 20th-century surgery
IV. 20th-century methods of diagnosis and treatment
V. 20th-century public health
VI. 20th-century doctors