- 北京师范大学出版社
- 9787303142132
- 45591
- 0043152564-1
- 16开
- 2013年5月
- 681
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
- H059
- 中文
- 本科
Chapter Ⅰ Traditional Western Translation Theories
1. Translation in Antiquity
2. Translation in the Renaissance and Reformation
3. Romanticism in Translation Theories
Chapter Ⅱ The "Science" of Translation
1. Roman Jakobson
2. Eugene A. Nida
3. John C. Catford
4. Wolfram Wilss
Chapter Ⅲ Philosophical Foundation of Modern Translation Theories
1. Walter Benjamin
2. Willard Quine
3. George Steiner
Chapter Ⅳ "Cultural Turn" in Translation Studies
1. Andre Lefevere
2. Susan Bassnett
Chapter Ⅴ The Translation Studies Group
1. James Holmes
2. Itamar Even-Zohar
3. Gideon Toury
4. Theo Hermans
Chapter Ⅵ Skopostheorie and Functionalist Approach to Translation
1. Katharina Reiss
2. Hans J. Vermeer
3. Christiane Nord
Chapter Ⅶ Discourse and Cognitive Approaeh in Translation Studies
1. Basil Hatim & Ian Mason
2. Ernest-August Gutt
3. Axel Buhler
Chapter Ⅷ Deeonstruetive Translation Studies
1. Jacques Derrida
2. Paul de Man
3. Kathleen Davis
Chapter Ⅸ Feminist Translation Studies
1. Lori Chamberlain
2. Sherry Simon
3. Luise von Flotow
Chapter Ⅹ Post-colonial Translation Studies Chief Representatives
1. Tejaswini Niranjana
2. G.C. Spivak
3. Lawrence Venuti
4. Maria Tymoczko
5. Edwin Gentzler