医学生理学(第12版) / 国外经典医学教材改编、影印系列
作者: John E.Hall
- 北京大学医学出版社
- 9787565902703
- 50520
- 0049153144-8
- 平装
- 16开
- 2012年2月
- 医学
- 基础医学
- R33
- 医学
- 研究生、本科
I Introduction to physiology: the cell and general physiology
1 Functional organization of the human body and control of the 'internal environment
2 The cell and its functions
3 Genetic control of protein synthesis, cell function, and cell reproduction
II Membrane physiology, nerve, and muscle
4 The DNA code in the cell nucleus is transferred to an RNA code in the cell cytoplasm -- the process of transcription
5 Membrane potentials and action potentials
6 Contraction of skeletal muscle
7 Excitation of skeletal muscle: neuromuscular transmission and excitation-contraction coupling
8 Contraction and excitation of smooth muscle
III The heart
9 Cardiac muscle: the heart as a pump and function of the heart muscles
10 Rhythmical excitatory and conductive system of the heart
11 The normal electrocardiogram
12 Electrocardiographic interpretation of cardica muscle and coronary blood flow abnormalities: vectrial analysis
13 Cardiac arrhythmias and their electrocardiographic interpretation
IV The circulation
14 Overview of the circulation; medical biophysics of pressure, flow, and resistance
15 Vascular distensibility and functions of the arterial and venous systems
16 The microcirculation and lymphatic system: capillary fluid exchange, interstitial fluid, and lymph flow
17 Local and humoral control of tissue flow by the tissues
18 Nervous regulation of the circulation, and rapid control of arterial pressure
19 Role of the kidneys in long-term control of arterial pressure and in hypertension: the integrated system for aterial
pressure regulation
20 Cardiac output, venous return, and their regulation
21 Muscle blood flow and cardiac output during exercise; the coronary circulation and ischemic heart disease
22 Cardiac failure
23 Heart valves and heart sounds; dynamics of valvular and congenital heart defects
24 Circulatory shock and physiology of its treatment
V The body fluids and kidneys
25 The body fluids compartments: extracellular and intracellular fluids; intersitial fluid and edema
26 Urine formation by the kidneys: I. Glomerular filtration, renal blood flow, and their control
27 Urine formation by the kidneys: II. Tubular reabsorption and secretion
28 Urine concentration and dilution; regulation of extracellular fluid osmolarity and sodium concentration
29 Renal regulation of potassium, calcium, phosphate, and magnesium; integration of renal mechanisms for control of
blood volume and extracellular fluid volume
30 Acid-base regulation
31 Diuretics and kidney diseases
VI Blood cells, immunity, and blood coagulation
32 Red blood cells, anemia, and polycythemia
33 Resistance of the body to infection: I. Leukocytes, granulocytes, the monocyte-macrophage system, and inflammation
34 Resistance of the body to infection: II. Immunity and allergy
35 Blood types; transfusion; tissue and organ transplanation
36 Hemostasis and blood coagulation
VII Respiration
37 Pulmonary ventilation
38 Pulmonary circulation, pulmonary edema, pleural fluid
39 Physical principles of gas exchange; diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the respiratory membrane
40 Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood and tissue fluids
41 Regulation of respiration
42 Respiratory insufficiency - pathophysiology, diagnosis, oxygen therapy
VIII Aviation, space, and deep-sea diving physiology
43 Aviation, high-altitude, and space physiology
44 Physiology of deep-sea diving and other hyperbaric conditions
IV The nervous system: A. General principles and sensory physiology
45 Organization of the nervous system, basic functions of synapses, "Transmitter sybstances"
46 Sensory receptors, neuronal circuits for processing information
47 Somatic sensations: I. General organization, the tactile and position senses
48 Somatic sensations: II. Pain, headache, and thermal sensations
X The nervous system: B. The speci