点击职业英语 基础英语模块 学生频道3(附赠光盘)(配有互动课本及教参)(第三版) / 新世纪高职高专英语类课程规划教材
作者: [美]Anna Uhl Chamot等著,刘黛琳、牛健改编
- 大连理工大学出版社有限公司
- 9787561187340
- 57480
- 0065156719-0
- 16开
- 2014年7月
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
- H31
- 各专业
- 高职高专
1 This is your life!
2 Which is the least expensive?
3 Someday, I'll be...
4 I need to ask you for a favor
5 What was he thinking?
6 Too heavy for the role
7 My favorite things
8 Do you have the time and the money?
9 A happy event
10 Vacation plans
11 Have you ever...?
12 Let's have a party.
Vocabulary Summary
Vocabulary Index
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