- 北京师范大学出版社
- 9787303174133
- 39070
- 0042180298-4
- 16开
- 2014年2月
- 450
- 艺术学
- 艺术学理论
- J110.9
- 艺术
- 本科
ChapterⅠ Art from the Prehistoric to Mesopotamia 从史前到两河文明的艺术 Prehistoric Painting and Sculpture(Paleolithic Age, before 8000 BC) Art of the Ancient Mesopotamia Art of Ancient Iran or Persia ChapterⅡ Art of the Ancient Egypt 古埃及艺术 Egyptian Painting and Sculpture Egyptian Architecutre Egyptian Temples ChapterⅢ Art of the Ancient Greece 古希腊艺术 The Aegean: Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean Art Geometric and Orientalizing Periods(几何与东方化时期900 BC— 600 BC) Orientalizing Art(东方化艺术,700 BC— 640 BC) The Archaic Period(古风时期,c.6th BC) Classical Sculpturc (480 BC—323 BC) Classical Architecture ChapterⅣ Art of the Classical Rome 古罗马艺术 Etruscan Art Roman Sculpture Roman painting Roman Architecture Chapter V Art of the Middle Ages 中世纪艺术 Early Christian Art Byzantine Art(拜占庭艺术) Romanesque Art(罗马式艺术) Gothic Art(哥特式艺术) ChapterⅥ Art of the Renaissance 文艺复兴艺术 Late Gothic —the Beginning Early Renaissance in Florence Renaissance Architccture The Northern Renaissance The High Renaissance Venetian Rcnaissance Late Renaissance—Mannerism(矫饰主义风格) ChapterⅦ Art of the Baroque 巴罗克艺术 Baroque in Italy Caravaggio and Baroque Naturalism Dutch Baroque Baroque in Spain Flcmish Baroque Classical Baroque in France ROCOCO Art ChapterⅧ Art of the 19th Century 19世纪艺术 Neoclassicism(新占典主义) Romanticism(浪漫主义/浪漫派) Realism(现实主义) Impressionism(印象主义/印象派) Post—Impressionism and Symbolical Expressions Symbolism(象征主义/象征派) Art Nouveau and the New Architecture ChapterⅨ Art of the 20th Century 20世纪艺术 Expressionism and Abstraction Other Expressionists Exprcssionism in Sculpture Picasso and Cubism Futurism, Suprematism, Constructivism,and De Stijl(未来主义、至上主义、构成主义、风格派) Abstraction and Semi—Abstraction Fantastic Art(奇幻艺术) Dada(达达主义) Surrealism(超现实主义) Ncw York School and Abstract Expressionism Minimal Art(极少主义艺术) Environmental Art(环境艺术) Conceptual Art(观念艺术) Pop Art(波普艺术) Photorealism(照相写实主义) Performance Art(行为艺术) Feminist Art(女性主义艺术) Post—Modern Architecture Post—Modern Painting and Sculpture